Enable a rule set to turn it on and disable a rule set to turn it off.
When you disable a rule set, the activity that is currently in progress is unaffected. The rule set finishes processing the current instance, but does not respond to the next trigger event.
For example, if a rule set is disabled while it is refining and imposing pages from a file put into a job hot folder, the rule set finishes the imposition. It does not process any files put into the hot folder after the rule set was disabled.

  1. Open Rule Set Manager in Job Finder or Job Manager.
  2. If required, click the Change Environment button to change between the system and job environments.
    To enable a rule set in a specific job, you need to work in the job environment. To enable a rule set system-wide, you need to work in the system environment.
  3. In Rule Set Manager, perform any of the following steps:
  4. If you are working with a system rule, type your user name and password when prompted. Use the same user name and password that you use to log on to the Prinergy system.

