Every rule set begins with an event that triggers an action, and each action in a rule set results in an event.

There are two types of events in RBA:

Trigger events

In Rule Builder, trigger events appear on the Events tab in the following groups:

Resulting events

Resulting events are indicated by icons that appear on the right side of an action.
For example, when you generate output, it might result in a success or error event:

When you connect two actions, you are actually connecting the second action to the resulting event of the first action. Resulting events make it possible to link a series of actions in a rule chain. For example, after a Refine Input File action, you can link a Set Page Approval action to the  Success event and an Email action to the  Error event.

The resulting events that are available for an action depend on the type of action and what possible errors, warnings, or exceptions it can encounter. The three most common events are based on the error status of the action:

In some situations, it is useful to have an event that combines more than one error status. For example, you might want to send an e-mail message every time something happens regardless of the error status. For actions where this is a common request, you may see one or more of the following three events in addition to Success, Warn, and Error:

The Prinergy refine and output actions frequently have these additional events.

In addition, the  Exception event is used to report software failures. It is available on all actions but is normally hidden. To make this event visible for an action, right-click the action and select Show Exceptions. For example, you may want to connect the Email action to an Exception event so that a system administrator is notified about any software failures.
Note that if there are more than three possible resulting events for an action, the action displays the first two events only, followed by the  icon. To associate a subsequent action with a resulting event that is not visible, drag the desired action to the  icon. When a list of resulting events appears, select the desired event.

Event properties

All events have properties that describe the event details, such as the time and date that the event occurred.
RBA sets event properties when the event occurs.
Event properties are often used to set action parameters. For example, in an Email action, the Subject and Body parameters can include various event properties, such as the job name and the customer name.