If the simulation target is discontinuous and the PCO uses a continuous, curve-controlled device condition, ColorFlow software calculates Gray Balance or Tonal Match simulation curves to exactly align the PCO color response to the target response across the entire tonal scale.

Aligning highlight response

When ColorFlow software calculates Tonal Match or Gray Balance simulation curves for a discontinuous device condition, it is likely that the device condition's color response in the highlight region is darker than the target response, unless the target is also discontinuous. The device condition response cannot be aligned to the target response in this region, because the device condition cannot print lighter than its Mindot response. In this case, simulation curves have no effect at the Mindot—Tint Out equals Tint In.

Further up the tonal scale, the calculated simulation curves align the PCO device condition response to the target response. The Highlight Contrast control of the PCO device condition determines how the curves taper from their Mindot points to the curves that provide exact alignment. If the PCO target and device condition are discontinuous, the possibility of alignment in the highlight region is determined by the relative darkness of the target and device condition Mindot responses.

CMY highlight cast alignment

When ColorFlow software generates Gray Balance simulation curves for a discontinous PCO device condition, it can calculate CMY curves that correct the cast of the device condition highlight response to match the gray balance of the target. The correction includes the Mindot response. The Allow Tint Out increase to improve color match control of the PCO device condition determines whether or not this cast correction is performed.

The Highlight Contrast control of the PCO device condition determines the tint values at which the lightness of the PCO also matches that of the target.