1. Prepare the virtual reference proof file in one of the following ways:
      1. Upload the KodakReferenceProof_SWOP_C3.pdf file, and apply the appropriate SWOP C3 color target.
      2. Open the file in Smart Review.
      3. The MV indicator icon in the top-left corner of the Smart Review window should indicate that the monitor is Calibrated, and it indicates that the profile is applied.
      4. On the Navigation bar, click Full Screen Preview. The page appears in full-screen mode. You are now ready to compare the virtual reference proof file with the hard copy reference proof.
  2. If you use a Kodak Prinergy Workflow or Prinergy Workflow Packaging Automation Expansion Pack, refine the KodakReferenceProof_SWOP_C3.pdf file, and ensure that the treat input file as flat option is enabled in the refine process template. This allows you to view the reference proof without imposing the PDF file.
  3. If you are licensed for InSite Prepress Portal in addition to PressProof or if you are using InSite Creative Workflow, apply the color target. If not, create a control file (in a text editor, type the name of the color target, and save the file as colortarget.txt).
  4. Save the control file in the appropriate location for your workflow:In a Prinergy Workflow or Prinergy Workflow Packaging Automation Expansion Pack, save the control file in the < JobName>\control\userconfig\insitedata\ folder.
  5. Open the KodakReferenceProof_SWOP_C3 file in PressProof, and verify that you have applied the correct color target to the file.