Kodak Prinergy Digital Print is a set of production tools that you use to schedule, submit, and monitor the printing of documents in a digital printing environment.

The basic Prinergy Digital Print workflow is:

  1. Upload documents—a customer service representative (CSR) submits input files to the Prinergy Digital Submit software. A Prinergy job is created in Workshop and uploaded to the Prinergy Digital Direct software, which is used to manage the digital jobs.
  2. Plan documents—documents are sorted and scheduled by a digital press operator or by an automated process in Digital Direct. Planned documents are not printed until they are submitted.
  3. Submit documents—the digital press operator or an automated process places documents in an active state to be RIPed and printed.
  4. Remove documents—when a document is completed, it can be archived and removed from the system.

Prinergy Digital Print includes two software applications:

In Digital Submit, a CSR can:

In Digital Direct, a digital press operator can:

Prinergy Digital Print uses a JDF workflow and JDF-enabled devices (digital front ends and digital presses). For information about JDF, see Digital printing and JDF technology.