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Note: PLA requires artwork and die files that can be accessed from a valid UNC path. Make sure that the activity files referenced are on a network volume.

  1. In Layout Automation Manager, on the Configuration tab, in the Layout Ticket list, select Demo_ASPS_SRList.
  2. Select Duplicate, type the name XX_SRLayout (where XX is your initials), and click Create.
  3. In the Work Style list, select Sheet Wise.
  4. Clear the ASPS Center Vertically option.
  5. Enter the following values:
    • ASPS Top Margin: 1.125"
    • ASPS Bottom Margin: 0.625"
    • ASPS Left Margin: 0.625"
    • ASPS Right Margin: 0.625"
  6. Click Save.
  7. On the Status tab, click New.
  8. In the Select a Layout Ticket menu, select XX_SRLayout (where XX is your initials). Click OK.
  9. In the Job Name box, type a name for the Prinergy job: XX_PLA_Step_Repeat (where XX is your initials).
  10. In the Layout Name box, type a name for the layout: Hungry Cat Label Layout.
  11. In the Artwork area, click Add, and open the following job files:
    Hungry Cat Label 1.pdf
    Hungry Cat Label 1 Back.pdf
  12. In the Smart Marks area, click Add. Select the following Smart Marks files from the XX_Markset folder that you created in the Use Packaging Layout Automation: create SmartMarks and mark sets activity and click OK after selecting each mark:
  13. In the StepRepeat area, select Add.
  14. In the Step and Repeat dialog box, leave the SR Name as default.
  15. In the Steps area, do the following:
    1. Set the Repeat: Cols number to 2 and Rows to 4
    2. Change Distance to Gap and set X=0; Y=0
    3. Select Apply crop marks to all
    4. In the Original area, make sure that the artwork file Hungry Cat Label 1.pdf is associated with the Artwork Surface Front Side. Then, click the Artwork Surface Back Side button to activate it.
    5. In the Artwork File list, select Hungry Cat Label 1 Back.pdf.
    6. Click OK. Note that the substrate (press sheet) is automatically sized.
  16. To determine if the data that you entered passes validation, click the Validate icon.
    The validation rules are created by your administrator. If the layout passes validation, the message: Information: Validation completed successfully appears and the entire validation box is displayed in green.
  17. Click the Send to Prinergy icon.
  • No labels