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  1. Open the newly refined PDF file with Acrobat.
  2. Open the Kodak PDF Trap Editor plug-in software and click the Trap Page icon. In the Trap Page dialog box, click Trap Page without changing any setting.
  3. Select Hide transparent objects.
  4. Select Highlight traps.
  5. Confirm that content under varnishes has trapped correctly (for example, inspect the area where the orange type meets the green background).
  6. Deselect Hide transparent objects.
  7. Open the Acrobat output preview tool (Tools > Print Production > Output Preview).
  8. Turn off all colors except Gloss Varnish and Matte Varnish.
  9. Confirm that gloss is knocking out of matte by turning off Gloss Varnish.
  10. Quit the Kodak PDF Trap Editor and save the file.
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