Page tree


Why you should complete this activity

Automated Page Assignment (APA) is a licensed option that automatically assigns 1-up artworks to the artwork positions of a layout. It can also automatically assign geometry to 1-up artworks. This feature can assist in automating the layout process of your workflow, therefore, saving you time and effort.
This activity will also implement additional automated tasks in regards to building APA rules and utilizing a more automated workflow.


  • Prepress operators
  • System administrators

Note: In addition, perform the following activities: Use Automated Page Assignment: assign to range and Use Automated Page Assignment: assign to noncontiguous.

Time required

Approximately 15-20 minutes

Recommended reading

  • Prinergy Powerpack Workflow 7.5 Workshop User Guide search key words: Automated 1-Up Artwork Assignment, Using APA, Rules for APA, Wild Cards, Pattern Matching, Importing Jobs.

Note: Automated 1-Up Artwork Assignment is also known as Automated Page Assignment or Advanced Production Automation (APA) in some documents or in the older versions.

What you'll need

For this activity you need to locate

  • Packaging Activity Source Files/APA Files/APA Carton
  • Packaging Activity Source Files/APA Files/APACarton_Blue.pdf

Note: When you use the Automated Page Assignment feature, the APA tool assumes that you have already created an unpopulated layout, and can leverage this existing layout to use as part of the APA process.

Activity specifications

If you are confident that you can complete the activity on your own, view the following naming conventions and required process template settings.

Naming convention

  • Job name: XX_APA_All (where XX represents your initials)

Process template

  • Refine process template: XXAPA Refine (where XX represents your initials) created in this activity.
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