Page tree

  1. Select the Separations view.
  2. Select Bottle Layout, and then from the Edit menu, select Color Separations.
  3. In the Color Separations dialog box, map the following colors:
    • Spot1 to PANTONE 285 U
    • Creo Cyan to Convert to Process
  4. Click OK. You will see a reduction in the number of separations within the Separations view.
    Note: Creo cyan is now gone.
  5. Output a virtual proof using the following process template: Process > Layout Proof > Virtual Proof > Virtual Proof.Imposed.600
  6. Right-click Bottle Layout and select Open VPS files.
    Make note of the Trim Line color by switching on and off its checkmark on the Separations Palette.
  7. After viewing the proof, quit Prinergy VPS.
  8. Access the new column that appeared as a result of outputting the VPS Proof. Select Approve or Reject based on your findings of the proofs.
  9. (Optional) Enter your comment in the Comment dialog box and click OK. For more information, refer to the online help.
  10. Select the Trim Line Separation, and then from the Edit Menu, select Color Separations. Set the Trim Line color to Do Not Output. Click OK.
  11. Review the separations view and verify that the Trim Line color is no longer listed.
  • No labels