Page tree

  1. From the View menu, select the Step and Repeat.
  2. From the File menu, select Create New Layout.
  3. In the New Layout dialog box, type the Layout Name: Brighton Layout.
  4. In the Select a layout application list, select Pandora. ClickOK.
    Pandora starts automatically.
  5. From the Window menu, select Show ShopMap Palette. On the ShopMap palette, create materials for the following if they don't exit and add them to the layout view:
    • Substrate (Press Sheet): 38x58 inch/965.2x1473.2 mm
    • Plate: 40x60 inch/ 1016x1524 mm
    • Press: 2
  6. From the File menu, select Import > Die.
    Navigate to the die file Brighton.cf2 in the Packaging Activity Source Files/CAD Correct folder. Click Open.
    Note: There will be several error warnings. When asked if you want to cancel, click No and continue to import the die.
  7. Drag the artwork to the die. Make note of the results.
  8. On the layout view, delete the artwork from the layout.
  9. Delete the die from Pandora.
  10. Minimize the Pandora window.
  • No labels