Page tree

  1. In the layout, select Die Station 1.
  2. From the View menu, select Hide Artwork.
  3. From the Marks palette, open the Labels folder.
  4. Locate the LBL_Die Station Number.pdf and drag it to the selected station.
    Position the mark in the upper left corner flap of Die Station 1.
    Notice the die station number mark binds to the die station automatically. It becomes visible and the dies station number (1) becomes bold.
  5. With the mark still selected, from the Object menu, select Apply to All. Notice a die station number mark appears on the same flap of each die.
  6. From the View menu, select Show Artwork.
  7. From the File menu, select Save. The Job Ticket will be imported to your Prinergy job.
  8. Close the file and quit Pandora.
  • No labels