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Why you should complete this activity

This activity provides an introduction to using Pandora. In this activity you will learn how to impose 1-up artwork to a layout using previously entered resources to define the substrate (press sheet) size, the plate used, and the press specifications. The artwork will be applied to the layout in Pandora, then a Virtual Proofing System proof will be generated from the Prinergy Workflow Packaging Automation Expansion Pack.

With Pandora working together, the Prinergy workflow is able to prepare press-ready layouts for package and label printing.


Operators or anyone who will use the Prinergy Workflow Packaging Automation Expansion Pack together with the Kodak Pandora packaging layout software regularly

Note: The Set up the ShopMap palette of Pandora software activity should be completed prior to this activity.

Time required

Approximately 10-15 minutes

Recommended reading

  • Pandora with Prinergy User Guide
  • Prinergy Powerpack Workflow 7.5 Workshop User Guide search key words: About Layouts, About Integrating Layout Software, Creating/Editing Pandora Layouts, Working with Artwork Sets, Working with Layouts

What you'll need

Make sure that your site administrator has added Pandora packaging layout software to the application list in Prinergy Workshop.
For this activity you need to locate

  • Packaging Activity Source Files/Hungry Cat Carton/Hungry Cat Carton 1.pdf
  • Packaging Activity Source Files/Hungry Cat Carton/Hungry Cat Carton.CF2

The instructor will tell you the location of the Packaging Activity Source Files folder.

Activity specifications

If you are confident that you can complete the activity on your own, view the following naming conventions and required process template settings.

Naming convention

  • Job name: XX_Pandora_Layout (where XX represents your initials)

Process templates

  • Refine: 1st Ref-Normz
  • Second refine: 2ndRef-MapColors Trap
  • Virtual proof: Virtual Proof.Imposed.600

Important: If using the translated Pandora software version in French, Spanish, or German, remember to use a comma (,) for fractional measurements instead of a period (.). For example, English = 456.7 French/Spanish/German = 456,7.

  • No labels