Page tree

  1. Expand the Virtual Proof group and select the process template Virtual Proof.LoosePage.
  2. Right-click the process template and select Open Process Template.
  3. Expand each appropriate section of the VPS process template, and configure the plan to:
    • Layout: Placement > Orientation select 180°
    • Render: Change both Resolution X and Y to 600 dpi
  4. From the File menu, select Save As.
  5. At the top of the Save Process Template dialog box, click the down arrow window to select Loose 1-Up Artwork Output.
  6. In the window below, select and double-click the XX_1-Up Proof Group you have created.
  7. In the name box, type a name of the new process template as <XX>_VPS_1-Up, (where XX represents your initials).
  8. Click Create Process Template. View the new name at the header of the process template window.
  9. Close the process template.
  10. In the Process Template Editor, locate your XX_1-Up Proof Group and the new process template that you created.
  11. Close the Process Template Editor.
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