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Why you should complete this activity

With Prinergy PDF File Editor, you can use Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop to edit refined PDF files. 
Prinergy PDF File Editor has these key benefits:

  • The tool leverages user's experience: operators who already know Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop need no further training to be able to edit PDF files.
  • Only the objects that need to be changed are converted to the Illustrator native format, reducing the risk of an error during the conversion process.


  • Prepress operators

Time required

Approximately 15-20 minutes

Recommended reading

  • Prinergy Powerpack Workflow 7.5 Workshop User Guide search key words: PDF File Editor

What you'll need

For this activity you need to locate

  • Packaging Activity Source Files/Petra Label/Label_Grn.eps

Activity specifications

If you are confident that you can complete the activity on your own, view the following naming conventions and required process template settings.

Naming conventions

  • Job name: XX_PDF_File_Editor (where <XX> represents your initials)

Process templates

  • Refine process template: 1stRef-Normz

  • No labels