
Empty Pages

PDF Preflight detects empty pages in the PDF file.

Separated Pages

PDF Preflight detects whether there are separated pages in the PDF file that are independent of PDF/X-1a specified controls.

Multiple Pages

PDF Preflight detects whether the PDF file contains multiple pages.

Graphic element lies completely outside of the media box

PDF Preflight detects whether the PDF file contains graphic elements that are outside of the media box.
To remove all graphic elements that are outside of the media box, select the Fix check box.

Report transparent element

PDF Preflight detects whether the PDF file contains elements that are transparent.


Annotations are included

Determines whether the PDF file includes any annotations. An annotation could be a note, link, bookmark, attachment, or movie or sound file.
To search for all annotations, select Any annotation. To exclude the printer's mark or trap network annotations, select Except Printer's Mark or Trap Network annotations. Printer's mark and trap network annotations are allowed outside of the bleed box in PDF/X files.
To remove the annotations, select the Fix check box.

Annotations are set to print

Determines whether the annotations in the PDF file will print.
To ensure that annotations don't print, select the Fix check box, and select Do not print annotations or select Remove annotations.


Measurement units

Determines the linear units used for the size of pages. You can select points, picas, inches, centimeters, or millimeters. The default is points.

Detection is defined by

Determines which PDF geometry box Preflight analyzes within. Options include media box, crop box, trim box, art box, and bleed box. Trim box is likely to be the most useful setting.

Page size is defined by

Determines the PDF box that defines the page size. Options include media box, crop box, trim box, art box, and bleed box. Trim box is likely to be the most useful setting.

Page size is not

Determines whether pages are the same size in the PDF file.
To confirm that all the pages in the PDF file are the same size, select Equal for all pages.
To confirm that the media boxes of the pages are the size that you specify, select the second option beside the two boxes, and type the media box dimensions in the boxes.
To change the page size, select the Fix check box. If you selected Equal for all pages, and you want to set the page size to the bounding box, select Enclosing bounding box. The enclosing bounding box refers to the PDF media box.
To set the page size to dimensions that you specify, select the second option, type the page dimensions in the boxes, and from the Align page content to list, select an alignment option.

Page orientation is not equal for all pages

Determines whether pages are a combination of portrait and landscape orientations.
To change all pages to the same orientation, select the Fix check box, and select Portrait or Landscape, according to your requirements.

Page box layout does not conform with <list>

PDF Preflight detects whether the page box layout in the PDF file does not conform with Press Layout or Screen Viewing Layout.
Select Press Layout or Screen Viewing Layout, and type the Minimum Trim to Bleed Margin and Minimum Bleed to Media Margin points.
PDF Preflight checks whether the document contains predetermined or sufficient bleed.
Select the Layout has crop box equal to trim box or Layout has no crop box or crop box is equal to media box option.


Page scaling factor is used

PDF Preflight detects whether the PDF file contains page scaling.
Page scaling ensures that a page prints with the same scale factor that is displayed on the screen.


Measurement units

Determines the linear units used for the size of pages. You can select points, picas, inches, centimeters, or millimeters. The default is points.

Bleed detection

Determines whether the image extends to the bleed box. Defines the maximum gap that can exist between the trim box and the bleed box before the image requires bleed.
To adjust the bleed detection, type the desired values. By default, bleed detection is turned off.
Check objects that touch the trim box, or objects that almost touch the trim box (within a certain distance).
When deciding whether images have sufficient bleed, consider the image content. For example, are white pixels acceptable.
You may find that the bleed detection feature works best if you type the minimum bleed that is acceptable, rather than the minimum bleed that is ideal. For example, if you ask designers to create a 0.125-in. bleed, but find that a 0.0625-in. bleed is acceptable, the preflight results have fewer messages if you ask PDF Preflight to look for a 0.0625-in. bleed.
Note: This option can result in slower performance.
Note: The preflight bleed detection feature detects and reports bleed problems even when the trim box is equal to the media box. For example, you might create a file in the QuarkXPress software with X amount of bleed, save and export the PDF file with no crop marks, and then import and refine it with X amount of bleed preflight detection.

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