Page tree

    Use this dialog box to import impositions into a legacy versioning job.

    Select a file to use for the imposition

    Use this box to locate and select the imposition plan that you want to import.
    Information about the selected imposition plan appears in the right pane of the dialog box.

    Files of Type

    Select an option to filter the files that are displayed in the Select a file to use for the imposition section by a specific file type. Only files of the selected type are displayed.

    Options are:

      • All Eligible Files
      • All Files
      • Portable Job Ticket File (JT or PJTF)
      • Job Definition File (JDF or XML)

    By default, All Eligible Files is selected. An eligible file is any file of the .pjtf, .icf, or .job type.

    Show Hidden Files

    Select this option to display hidden files such as system files, in the Select a file to use for the imposition section.
    The default selection of this option can be set in the View tab of the Workshop Preferences dialog box.


    Displays accessible input volumes as defined in Prinergy Administrator. If the input volume that you want does not appear, you must add it to Prinergy Administrator.

    Job Folder

    Opens the job folder for the current job.


    This button appears as Open when an input volume or folder is selected. Click this button to open the selected volume or folder.
    This button appears as Import once an eligible imposition plan has been selected. Click this button to import the selected imposition plan.



    Click this button to open the Choose Process Template dialog box, where you can change the import process template that controls the current import.

    Page set starting page #

    Specifies the number at which you want the page set to begin.

    Imposition name and Page set name

    Lists the names of the versioning imposition plans and page sets that you are importing. This list is empty until you either:

        • Click Auto Name and enter the base name and the number of versions
        • Under New Version Names, type a version name and click Add Name.

    Once this list populates, you can rename any of the imposition plans and page sets by selecting the item and clicking Rename. Enter the new names in the Enter New Version Name dialog box.
    To remove a versioning imposition plan and page set from the list, select the item and click Remove.

    Auto Name

    Click the Auto Name button to open the Enter Number of Versions dialog box. Type the base name and the number of versions to create. The list of imposition plan names appears in the box.

    Existing page sets

    Click the Existing Page Sets button to display the Select Page Set dialog box. Select one or more page sets for the job and add an imposition name suffix.


    Opens the Enter New Version Name dialog box, enabling you to rename either the imposition plan name or the page set name, or both.

    Remove Version

    Enables you to remove an imposition plan and page set from the list. Select an imposition plan, and click Remove Version.

    New Version Names

    Lets you manually name the imposition plan and page sets (both will have the same name). In the New Version Names box, type a name, then click Add Names.

    Add Names

    Adds the name you typed in the New Version Names box to the list of imposition plans and page sets.

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