Input files can be created in a variety of ways. LPV supports different input file models based on how the files are created. The models can be divided into the following categories:

  • Category One—input files of category one models:
    • Are non-layered files
    • Each contain the entire contents (base and change content) for a version.
  • Category Two—input files of category two models:
    • Are non-layered files
    • Each contain either base or change content; not both.
  • Category Three—input files of category three models include layered input files.

Input file models affect how you build versioned pages. After versioned pages are generated, workflows are the same.


This chapter explains input file models using the following conventions:

  • Change content is represented as Kspot, K,or S.
    • K represents change content in a file that does not contain content for other versions. K can be any process or spot color.
    • S represents change content in a file that also contains content for other versions. S can be any spot color.
  • [ ]n represents additional files of the same format. The number of additional files varies by model and depends on the number of versions required and/or the number of layers in input files.
  • [Sn] represents multiple spot colors in a file.
  • CcMcYcKc represents common content in single base scenarios. In multiple base scenarios, CbMbYbKb and CcMcYcKc represent different base content.
  • No labels