1. Select the input files or pages with the spot colors that you want to affect.
  2. Start a refine process on the selected files by dragging the files and dropping them on the refine process template.
  3. Reduce all spot colors by selecting two options in the process template:
    1. In the Start Process dialog box, click Edit Process Template.
    2. Select and expand the Spot Color Handling section.
    3. In the Map Spot Colors area, select the Enable Spot Color Mapping check box and select the Map All Spot Colors to Process check box.
  4. Click OK to close the Start Process dialog box.
    The refine process occurs. Refined pages are generated.
  • This procedure works only with composite files, not with separated files.
  • You can also handle spot colors during the initial refine of the input files. You start by selecting the input files instead of pages.
  • You can modify and save the process template before you start. Start the process using the modified process template, and do not click Edit Process Template in the Start Process dialog box.


  • No labels