Page tree

    This process template section identifies the format and compression settings of the output files.

    Include Images as

    If printing to PDF, select Original to output the original images in the output file.
    Select Low Resolution to output low-resolution versions of the images in the output file.


    (See About outputting to a file)
    The compression options that are available vary depending on the output format selected in the Output To list at the top of the process template. The following compression options are available:

      • None—select if you do not want to compress files
      • CCITTG3—not available if outputting to a non-screened format
      • CCITTG4—not available if outputting to a non-screened format
      • LZW
      • RLE
      • ZIP—select if you use Kodak Staccato screening software

    Note: Compression methods CCITTG3 and CCITTG4 are unavailable if the Always use Color Combiner to Convert Spots check box is selected in the Render section of the process template or if any Staccato screening system is selected in the Screen System box in the Calibration & Screening section.


    The quality control option is available only if the Output To list is set to JPEG.
    Prinergy provides five JPEG compression quality options ranging from Maximum quality (the least compression and the smallest loss of data) to Minimum quality (the most compression and the greatest loss of data).

      • Maximum
      • High
      • Medium
      • Low
      • Minimum

    The lower the quality of JPEG compression, the smaller the file size, but the greater the chance of noticeable blockiness in certain areas of the image. You should experiment with JPEG compression levels to see what amount of image degradation is acceptable for your purposes.

    Vector Output Options

    Render Shadings

    Select to render PostScript 3 vector objects with Level 3 smooth shades to produce rasterized contone objects in order to meet the PostScript Level 2 standard. Target workflows may process rasterized objects faster than vector ones, but there may be some quality degradation for subtle shadings that extend over long distances.
    Specify a resolution for the rendered shadings in the at Resolution box.
    Available when DCS, PS2, PS3, or PDF is selected in the Output To list.

    Font Outlining

    Select to replace all text objects with vector objects in output pages.
    This is available to DCS, PDF, and separated PostScript vector output formats. It is useful for eliminating font formats that certain RIPs may not be able to process. Text output in this way cannot be edited and when previewed in Adobe Acrobat, will look bolder than the original text due to loss of font hinting for low-resolution monitors.

    Delete Traps

    Select to remove any Prinergy-generated traps from PDF, PostScript Level 2, and DCS-2 output files.
    Trapping-generated overprints remain in the files.

    Apply Geometry

    Select to apply geometry settings to PDF, PostScript Level 2, and DCS-2 output files.
    You can set the geometry for a page (offset scale, orientation) in the Set Page Geometry dialog box.
    If this check box is selected, the geometry is applied to the output file. To access the Set Page Geometry dialog box, from the Edit menu, select Set Page Geometry.

    Simulate overprints (CMYK only)

    Select to replace overprint intersections with an opaque object.
    This creates a page that maintains its integrity on output, even if a downstream publisher or printer configures their workflow to override overprints.

    Preserve PDF Layers

    Applies to the Layered PDF Versioning feature. For more information, see the Versioning chapter in this guide.

    Send PostScript duplexing commands

    Select to print on both sides of the media. Assuming a portrait sheet orientation, select Turn print pages side to side by flipping on the long edge. Select Tumble to print both sides by flipping on the short edge.
    This option adds the duplex command to the PostScript output. The consuming device may not support this command.

    Output Intent

    Use this area to specify an ICC profile or named print condition in the Output Intents section of the PDF/X file that you are generating.
    A named print condition is a documented printing situation with a defined relationship between input data and the colorimetry of the printed image. Typically, named print conditions are registered with an organization such as the ICC.

    Do one of the following:

      • To specify an ICC profile, select the Profile check box and specify the path of a profile.
      • To specify a named print condition, select the Name check box and select a print condition from the list.

    This area is available only when a PDF/X format is selected in the Output To list at the top of the process template.

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