Note: Options on this tab may vary depending on the selected digital device. Some of the settings or setting values may not be available. Also, there may be additional settings available for specific devices which are not documented here.

The options in the Digital Job Ticket Editor are based on the capabilities of the selected device. When the Prinergy server connects to a digital device via Setup, the device communicates its capabilities in JMF format. The values for the different parameters are updated in the Setup application per device, and are reflected in the Digital Job Ticket Editor. The default value that was set on the digital device (and can be viewed in Setup) is used as the default value per parameter. If no value was set as default, the Job Ticket Editor displays Device Default. This selection can be changed.

When you define settings that are in conflict, these settings are marked with a red line around them, and when you hover above them, a tool tip displays what is wrong with the defined settings. You can also click the Constraints tab to see which settings you need to change in order to print the job.

Note: If you make a change in the Setup application while the Digital Job Ticket Editor is open, you must close and reopen the Digital Job Ticket Editor to see the change in the Digital Job Ticket Editor.

Job Separator Sheet

If you want to include a separator sheet in the job, select On, and define the Tray or Substrate for the separator sheet.

Copy Separator Sheet

If you want to include a copy separator sheet in the job, select On, and define the Tray or Substrate for the separator sheet.

Slip Sheet

If you want to include a slip sheet in the job, select On, and define the Tray or Substrate for the slip sheet.

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