This process template section identifies the file naming parameters during loose page output.
Prinergy-defined File Naming
Use Prinergy-defined File Naming
Select to use the default file naming convention for output files.
Maximum Characters for File Name
Type the maximum number of characters for the page name part of the file name.
Note: If you select Respect Mac Filenames, the maximum number is 17.
Respect Mac Filenames
Select to shorten Prinergy file names to 31 or fewer characters, because older Macintosh file names are restricted to a length of 31 characters.
For loose page output, the Prinergy file name consists of:
- 18 characters for the page name (including the period that separates the page name and extensions)
- 13 characters for surface, version, and color extension (including periods).
For example, thisisthepagename.1A.vers.M.VPS
When you select this check box, Prinergy shortens the first name part of the file name to the number of characters that you specify in the Maximum Characters for File Name box.
When you select this check box, spot colors are represented in the file name by an index number.
When you clear this check box, the full spot color name is added to the output file name, with PANTONE abbreviated to PMS, and the CVC or CV suffix removed.
Overwrite Existing Files with Same Name
(See About outputting to a file)
Select if you want to use the newer files when multiple files have the same name.
Available when Job-Relative File is selected in the Output Type box.
Custom File Naming
Use Custom File Naming
Select this check box if you want to specify the output file names.
Note: If you select this check box:
- And if you want to respect Macintosh file names, you must restrict each tag in the Filename Template box, so that the longest possible file name is 31 characters or less.
- Overwrite Existing Files with Same Name is selected. If you want to generate and keep iterations of a file, include a
tag in the Filename Template box.
Filename Template
(See Informazioni sulla denominazione file personalizzata)
Type the file name format for the output files.
Controlfile Filename Template
If outputting to a format which requires a control (master) file, type the file name format for the control file.
Use Full Spot Color Names
Select this check box if you want to use the spot color names in the output file names (instead of numbers that are derived from the spot color order).
Note: To use this check box, you must include the %color%
tag in the Filename Template.
PDF File Name
If printing to PDF, the PDF file name is based on the job name by default. To modify the PDF file name, type the file name you want in the box.