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With PDF Preflight, you can, during the refine process, evaluate PDF pages to detect problems that may affect processing in a publishing or prepress workflow.

Prinergy features two types of preflight methods:

  • Preflight+, built on callas preflight architecture, is a system that enables you to preflight the original input files and also normalized files, and to decide if to only analyze the files or fix them as well, and then generate a report as a PDF, XML and text file. Preflight+ conforms to the most significant industry standard profiles such as the latest Ghent PDF Workgroup standard.
  • Advanced Preflight, which conforms to all 2008 Ghent PDF Workgroup PDF/X-Plus specifications.

Preflight profiles

PDF Preflight uses profiles to compare the PDF files to a number of criteria. Each profile represents a collection of settings that is checked during the refine process.

To use Preflight+, you use the Preflight+ profiles that are supplied with Prinergy. You can modify these profiles and create new profiles in the Preflight+ Profile Manager, which you can access from the Tools
menu. For more information about viewing, modifying, and creating new Preflight+ profiles, see the Managing Preflight+ profiles topic.

Note: Preflight profiles from Adobe Acrobat Professional and standalone callas pdfToolbox can also be used, but due to engine compatibility reasons, they are not officially supported (see the Release Notes). You must manually add these exported profiles to your Prinergy Primary server. To manually add profiles, export the profiles from those applications and copy them to this location on your Prinergy primary server: \\<servername>\araxihome\CreoAraxi\Preflight\PreflightPlusProfiles\Customized profiles replacing <servername> with the name of your actual Prinergy primary server.

To use Advanced Preflight, you must use Preflight Profile Manager (which you can access from the Tools menu) to add a preflight profile before preflighting PDF pages.
The following Advanced Preflight profiles have been created in accordance with the GWG specifications for market segments:

Preflight Profiles for Market Segments

Advertising for Newspapers


Magazine Ads

SheetSpot High Resolution

Packaging Design High Resolution

SheetSpot Low Resolution

Packaging Design Low Resolution

WebCMYK News

Packaging Offset

WebSpot News

Packaging Gravure

WebCMYK High Resolution

Packaging Flexo

WebSpot High Resolution

Viewing Preflight reports

After preflighting a job you can view a report of problems in the page, that may affect processing, in a publishing or prepress workflow (see Viewing PDF Preflight+ reports and Viewing PDF Advanced Preflight reports). The report provides the criteria comparison results.
To determine whether or not a PDF Preflight report has been generated for a PDF file, you must display the Preflight Report column in Job Manager. This is only applicable to Advanced Preflight.

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