Prinergy takes longer to process raster-based files than vector-based pages. However, there are some steps you can take to improve performance when processing through Prinergy.
Among the settings that affect performance, there are some that may adversely affect image characteristics. For example, an option may result in blurry edges where contone images overlap, or fuzzy text in screen shots. Evaluate whether the benefits of increased performance outweigh the potential drawbacks.

RIP vignettes to the CT layer (not the LW layer)

When creating the CT/LW file using the Brisque RIP, RIP the vignettes to the CT layer not the LW layer. RIPing vignettes to the CT layer speeds up processing in Prinergy.
To RIP vignettes to the CT layer, enable the following settings in the Vignette Handling window in the Brisque RIP pane:

  • Scitex Vignettes
  • Vignette to CT (CMYK)
  • Convert Vignette to PS3

This option has minimal visible impact on final output and is recommended for use with all CT/LW files.

Set CT on CT border to CT Res in the Brisque RIP

To increase Prinergy processing performance, in the CT Handling window in the Brisque RIP pane, set CT on the CT Border to CT Res.
This may negatively affect your final output quality, resulting in fuzzy edges where contone images overlap. Implement this option only if this reduced output quality is acceptable.
Note: If the Brisque template that you are using contains a Kodak Full Auto Frame (FAF) trapping atom as well as the RIP atom, you might have to change the FAF settings in order to be able to select CT Res at the RIP stage.

Set Screengrabs to CT Res in the Brisque RIP

To increase Prinergy processing performance, in the CT Handling window in the Brisque RIP pane, set Screengrabs to CT Res.
This may negatively affect your final image output quality, resulting in fuzzy text in the screen captures. Implement this option only if this reduced output quality is acceptable.

Avoid HC components when creating TIFF/IT pages

If possible, avoid creating HC (high-resolution contone) files when creating TIFF/IT pages. HC components may process very slowly through Prinergy. If you must include HC components, try to minimize the amount of data that they contain. For example, avoid photograph-like content. Text and flat tints in the HC are acceptable. Specific instructions for avoiding HC components, or minimizing the amount of data included, are software dependent.
Some general guidelines to follow are:

  • Set CT on CT borders to CT Res. HC components may be created when high-resolution borders exist between contone images.
  • RIP vignettes to the CT layer.

As with the CT/LW file format, these settings may negatively affect the output, depending on page characteristics. Use these settings only if the benefits of increased performance outweigh the drawbacks.

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