The CEPS Conversion section of a refine process template defines how Prinergy handles Brisque CT/LW or TIFF/IT-P1 input files. The CEPS JTP can be used to convert CT/LW and TIFF/IT to PDF files consisting of two layers: continuous-tone (CT) and line work (LW).

General guidelines for using CT/LW files with Prinergy

For best results, follow these general guidelines when using CT/LW files with Prinergy:

  • Perform as much of the page preparation as possible in the originating workflow/RIP to reduce the potential for introducing errors. For example, perform color conversion, including spot color handling and overprint settings, and trapping on the Brisque before importing CT/LW files into Prinergy.
  • Simplify the linework components for faster processing through Prinergy. For example, try to avoid CT content in the LW file. If you are working with TIFF/IT pages, avoid or simplify high resolution contone (HC) components to obtain faster Prinergy processing times.
  • If you use Kodak Full Auto Frame (FAF)/RIP templates to create CT/LW pages in the Brisque, use a specific template to create CT/LW output that is optimized for use with Prinergy. For example, this template could have the resolution set to match the Prinergy output device resolution. This output template should also RIP vignettes to the CT layer instead of the LW layer.
  • When refining files with the CEPSConversion JTP, ensure that all the page elements, for example, CT/ICT, LW/HC/ILW, ASSG/FP/IFP, and so on, are available before starting the refine process in Prinergy. If elements are missing, the refine process fails.

Preparing CT/LW and TIFF/IT files

When submitting CT/LW or TIFF/IT files to Prinergy software:

  • Ensure that files are trapped and color-matched.
  • Ensure that the CT/LW and TIFF/IT files are one of the following file types:
    • CT/LW files generated by Brisque or PS/M
    • TIFF/IT-P1 files
  • For CT/LW files, ensure that you add the ASSG, CT, and LW files to a Prinergy job at the same time.
  • For TIFF/IT-P1 files, ensure that you add the FP, CT, and LW files to a Prinergy job at the same time

Note: If you are using the CEPS JTP to convert files to PDF, ensure that the input resolution matches the desired output resolution. For example, when the desired output is 2400 dpi, use the CEPS JTP with line work resampled to 2400 dpi.

Merging separated CT/LW pages on the Brisque

Merge separated CT/LW pages on the Brisque before sending the pages to Prinergy for processing. You can identify separated CT/LW pages by their multiple LW files. The CEPS JTP and other products such as CEPSLink cannot process separated CT/LW pages. To merge separated CT/LW to composite CT/LW, use the Merge function on the Brisque or PS/M before bringing the pages into Prinergy for processing.
This function has no visible impact on final output and is recommended for use with all separated CT/LW files.
There are two reasons why the CT/LW pages may be separated:

  • Separated PostScript going into the Brisque may cause CT/LW pages to be separated. This is the most common cause.
  • Too many LW colors may cause CT/LW pages to be separated. There is a limit of 64,000 colors in the NLW specification. If the NLW is very complex, then the Brisque may have separated the CT/LW. If you can't merge the CT/LW because of this limitation, then you should try some of the other techniques, such as RIPing vignettes to CT. This avoids separating the CT/LW as well as improving output performance.

Detecting excessively complex pages

There is a class of very complex pages that may still fail conversion in the CEPS JTP. You can identify these pages by:

  • CT/LW that is separated (multiple LW files) and that fails merging to composite on the Brisque, or
  • TIFF/IT with an HC file that cannot be opened in PressTouch (a free download from Partner Place).

There are two situations which can result in these very complex pages:

  • Complex page characteristics combined with inappropriate RIP choices can result in these very complex pages. Choosing different RIP settings, as outlined later in this topic, may resolve this.
  • PDF 1.4 style transparency using layered CTs can result in these very complex pages. This can create many CT-to-CT edges. RIPing CT-to-CT borders to CT resolution resolves this.

Unsupported types of CT/LW and TIFF/IT

If your files are not of the file types specified above—for example, if your files are PS/2, Whisper, or Linotype-Hell—you must convert them before Prinergy can use them.
You have the following options:

If You Have


CT/LW files that the CEPS JTP cannot use

Use the Translate function on the Brisque to convert the files to a Brisque CT/LW file.

CT/LW or TIFF/IT files that the CEPS JTP cannot use

Use CEPSLink software or a third-party product to convert them to PDF files or another format that Prinergy recognizes.

For existing DCS files for which the CT/LW file is unavailable, see About copydot scans and other DCS files.

Using Enfocus PitStop to change color recipes

Enfocus PitStop handles CT and LW layers differently when you use it to change color recipes in PDF files. For CT layers, Enfocus PitStop displays only the color of the current selection; you can make color retouches to the layer, but you can't change the color recipe. For LW layers, Enfocus PitStop displays both the source and target color, so you can change the color recipe. For more information, see the Enfocus PitStop documentation.

Sample recommendations for processing CT/LW

These are sample recommendations for RIPing CT/LW through Prinergy to a 2400 dpi device.



Potential Drawbacks

When to Use

RIP: LW resolution = 2400.0 dpi (94.48819 dpm)

Reduces the potential to introduce artifacts

None if page is RIPed to correct resolution. May result in very slight image quality degradation if resampling at conversion stage.

Always (recommended)

RIP: CT resolution = 300.0 dpi

Reduces the potential to introduce artifacts when using PDF2Go on Brisque 3

May result in very slight image quality degradation

Always when using PDF2Go on Brisque 3

RIP vignettes to CT layer, not LW layer

Speeds up processing time in Prinergy

May result in very slight image quality degradation

Always (recommended)

In the Brisque RIP, set CT on CT Border to CT Res

Speeds up processing time in Prinergy

In the final output, may result in fuzzy edges where contone images overlap

When processing speed is more important than crisp edges in the final output, or when a page is too complex to refine otherwise

In the Brisque RIP, set Screen Grabs to CT Res

Speeds up processing time in Prinergy

In final output, may result in fuzzy text in screen captures

When processing speed is more important than clearly defined text in screen captures

Avoid running copydot content through Brisque

Speeds up processing time in Prinergy and eliminates several opportunities to introduce moiré artifacts. Allows use of Copydot JTP.

Partial page copydot inputs might require Brisque processing. Copydot must be correct resolution prior to entering Brisque.

Whenever possible (recommended)

Avoid HC components when creating TIFF/IT sets. If you must include HC components, try to minimize the amount of data that they contain.

Speeds up processing time in Prinergy

Final output quality may be affected. Specifics depend on page characteristics.

When processing speed is more important than various aspects of final output quality

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