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    1. Open Queue Manager.
    2. View the specific process in one of these ways:
      • To select a JTP process, click the JTP Queues tab, and select a JTP in the list.
      • To select a process by type, click the Process Types tab, and select a process type in the list.
    3. In the View pane, select the process that you want to change.
    4. From the Edit menu, select Process, and then select the desired activity state:
      • Pause—pauses the process, setting its status to Suspended. Note that the process pauses at the next logical point—not necessarily immediately.
      • Resumeresumes a paused process, setting its status to Active.
      • Stopends the process, removing it from Queue Manager. You cannot restart a stopped process.
        Tip: To stop a process, you can also right-click it and select Stop.
      • Force Destroyforcibly destroys the process, removing it from Queue Manager. This menu item is available only if you have already tried to end the process using the Stop menu item at least once, and the process did not end.

    The new activity state appears in the Status column of the View pane.

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