Page tree

The Storage view of Job Manager lists all of the input files, pages, imposition plans and miscellaneous files that are part of the job.
Use this view to check the location and archive status of job files.
This view has only one pane. Files in this view display in list view only.

Note: The columns you see depend on the columns you display or hide.


Group by Online Status

Switch this button on to sort files by archive state. Possible states are:

  • Missing
  • Offline
  • Online and Currently Archived
  • Online and Never Archived
  • Online and Previously Archived

Switch this button off to group all files together, regardless of archive state.
If both Group by Online Status and Group by File Kind are enabled, files are sorted first by online status. Then within each online status grouping, files are sorted by file kind.


  Group by File Kind

Switch this button on to sort files by file kind. Possible file kinds are:

  • Imposition Plan Files
  • Input Files
  • Miscellaneous Files
  • Page Files

Switch this button off to group all files together, regardless of file kind.
If both Group by Online Status and Group by File Kind are enabled, files are sorted first by online status. Then within each online status grouping, files are sorted by file kind.

Primary File

The name of the element


The number of files associated with the primary file


The size of the file.
The file size is listed in KB if the file is less than 1 MB, or in MB if the file is 1 MB or more.
If it is not a PDF file, the value is N/A.


The date and time that the file was last modified


The date and time that the file was created


The file type and how it is used in Prinergy. For example, PDF Input File, PostScript Input File, PDF Page, or Imposition Plan.

Last Archived

The date and time that someone last archived the job


The path to the file

Archive State

The archive state of the file. Possible states are:

  • Online and Never Archived: The file has never been archived, purged, or retrieved.
  • Online and Currently Archived: The file has been archived, but has not been purged or retrieved.
  • Offline: The file has been purged. (It also had to be archived before the purge, or the purging would not occur.)
  • Online and Previously Archived: The file has been changed since it was archived, and has not been archived since it was changed.
  • Missing: The file is not on the file system, and it has not been archived. It also has not been purged because purging deletes files only if they have been archived. Therefore, an action other than purging deleted the file.

A job's Stale Archive Status is connected to the Archive State of its files.

  • If the Archive State of all files in a job is Online and Never Archived or Online and Currently Archived, the job's Stale Archive Status is None Stale.
  • If the Archive State of some files is Online and Previously Archived, the job's Stale Archive Status is Some Stale.


The job button enables you to treat the whole job as if it were an element. You can start certain processes (archiving, purging, retrieving, and exporting) for the whole job without selecting the job files individually, and without exiting Job Manager. You can also locate the Jobs folder in the file browser, and get job information by opening the folder named after the job.
Right-click the job button to display the available menu items.

  • No labels