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System log file
The system log file is located on the Mac computer at <HardDrive>/Library/Logs/Matchprint Virtual/LogFiles/
The SystemLog.txt
log file stores system data that indicate the monitor that has been selected.
Calibration log files
Matchprint Virtual log files are located on the Mac computer at <HardDrive>/Library/Logs/Matchprint Virtual/LogFiles
The MV Calibrate dd/mm/yy hhmmss
log file stores calibration measurement data and results that are gathered during the Calibrate System process.
Mac System Report
The System Report of your Mac computer system can be browsed and saved. To open the report, go to Apple menu > About This Mac > System Report. To save the report, go to File > Save, specify the location and press Save.
The System Report stores the system data, such as the details of video cards and displays connected to the system.