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Es posible editar el código para las acciones definidas por el usuario.

El código de una acción definida por el usuario tiene este aspecto:
Public Sub Run( _
ByVal triggerEvent As Creo.PWS.Automation.PrinergyDataModel.PageSetCreatedEvent, _
ByVal action As Creo.PWS.Automation.GenericDataModel.UserDefinedAction)
'These are the three possible events you can raise as a result of this action
If you do not raise an event then no "chained" rules will be executed
Dim okEvt As Creo.PWS.Automation.BaseDataModel.DMEvent _
= action.CreateEvent( _
GetType(Creo.PWS.Automation.GenericDataModel.UserDefinedOKEvent), _
Dim warnEvt As Creo.PWS.Automation.BaseDataModel.DMEvent _
= action.CreateEvent( _
GetType(Creo.PWS.Automation.GenericDataModel.UserDefinedWarnEvent), _
Dim errEvt As Creo.PWS.Automation.BaseDataModel.DMEvent _
= action.CreateEvent( _
GetType(Creo.PWS.Automation.GenericDataModel.UserDefinedErrorEvent), _
'<your logic here>
'This is how you raise an event
End Sub

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