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The following data types for variables are supported at this time:
| Description |
Boolean | A true or false value |
Date and Time | A date and time representing an instant in time |
Double | A 64-bit floating point number |
File | A file or directory, along with an indication of exactly what type of file system object this represents |
GUID | A globally unique identifier |
Integer | A 32-bit integer |
String | A character string |
Time Span | An interval of time |
Web File | A file or directory, along with an indication of exactly what type of file system object this represents |
Boolean list | A list of Booleans |
Date and Time list | A list of Date and Time objects |
Double list | A list of Doubles |
File list | A list of Files |
Files (Web) | A list of Web Files |
GUID list | A list of GUIDs |
Integer list | A list of Integers |
String list | A list of Strings |
Time Span list | A list of Time Spans |