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Use the Rule Parameters Editor tool to set values for action parameters.
This column lists all of the parameters in the action that you are working with.
When you select a parameter, a description appears at the bottom of the dialog box.
Bold indicates required parameters. If these are not specified, you cannot enable the rule set.
Type a setting or click
to specify a setting in the Parameter Value dialog box.
Note: The
button does not appear until you place the cursor in the Value column.
You do not have to specify values for every parameter. Some have default values and some are optional. Enter a Value appears in red if a parameter is required, does not have a default value, and is not set.
Advanced: Convert to Code
Click this button to use the Microsoft Visual Basic programming language to assign parameters in Parameter Code Editor.
If you click Save in the Parameter Code Editor tool, the next time that you edit the parameters for the event-action pair, Parameter Code Editor appears instead of Rule Parameters Editor. If you want to stop using code and use Rule Parameters Editor again, right-click the line between the event and action, and select Reset to Default.
See also
About writing custom code for RBA
Assigning parameters