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Set up a folder structure in the Rule Set Library to make storing and accessing your rule sets easier.
- Open Rule Set Manager.
Manage rules sets in any of these ways:
| Do this |
Create a group | Right-click the group that will contain the new group, and select New Group. Type a name for the new group, and click OK. Note: The group name must be unique. You cannot have groups with the same name, even if they are at different folder levels. |
Add a rule set to a group | Do either of the following steps: |
Copy a rule set | Right-click the rule set, and select Copy. Then right-click another group, and select Paste. |
Move a rule set between groups | Do either of the following steps: |
Rename a rule set or group | Right-click the rule set or group, and select Rename. Tip: Select the rule set or group, and press F2. Note: You cannot rename an enabled rule set. |
Pause a rule set | Right-click an executing rule set or group, and select Pause. |
Resume a rule set | Right-click a paused rule set or group, and select Resume. |
Delete a rule set or a group | Right-click the rule set or group, and select Delete. Note: You cannot delete an enabled rule set. |
View the description of a rule set | Right-click the rule set, and select Get Info. |