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A Prinergy Configuration Backup utility is available for backing up Prinergy Workflow systems that are running on Windows Server 2019 and 2022 servers.

In Prinergy versions prior to 5.1, Prinergy Online Backup uses Windows NT Backup to back up the system files. However, NT Backup is not supported on Windows Server 2008 x64 and newer operating systems.

Prinergy Configuration Backup backs up the Prinergy and Windows configuration for each Prinergy primary and secondary server in the system to the specified paths and copies the database backup files to the same paths. Additional software configurations such as InSite Prepress Portal, InSite Creative Workflow, and Print Console that may be installed are not backed up.


Prinergy Configuration Backup

Prinergy version

5.1 or later

Operating system

Windows Server 2019 or Windows Server 2022



Backup data

  • Oracle database
  • Prinergy configuration*
  • Window configuration

Servers that can be backed up

Primary, secondary, and render stations

How to configure

In Prinergy Administrator, click Tools > Backup > Settings button

Backup service name


In Prinergy Administrator, you configure and view the status of Prinergy Configuration Backup using Tools > Backup. (This dialog box has different content depending on which is set as the preferred backup option.)

* Note: The Prinergy Backup collects the following data from the AraxiPreps share: Marks, Printers, Profiles, Resources, Templates and any custom folders you've added.

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