Page tree

    1. Select the window or pane that you want to change.
    2. Select View > Visible Columns.
      Tip: You can also right-click a blank area of the window or pane and select Visible Columns.
    3. In the Visible Columns dialog box, select the check boxes for the columns that you want to display and clear the check boxes for the columns that you want to hide.
      Note: The columns that are unavailable are always displayed.
      Tip: Use the Select All and Deselect All buttons if you must select or clear a large number of check boxes.
    4. Click OK.
    5. If you are in thumbnail view, you must display list view to see columns.

    The window or pane is updated to display and hide the columns that you indicated. Newly displayed columns appear at the right side of the window or pane. You can move columns and sort items by column.

    • No labels