Page tree

    Once you start to generate versioned pages, view generation status in the Pages view or in the Versioned Pages view. Versioned pages that require generation cannot be output.

    Pages view

    The Pages view shows two types of generation information for each versioned page:

    • Generation requirement—whether or not you must generate
    • Generate process result—whether or not the last generate process was successful

    Generation requirement

    The following columns show whether or not you must generate the versioned page:

    • Page and Page Position columns—with icons as shown in the following figure.
    • Versioned Page Status column—with one of the following phrases: 'Requires Generation' or 'Generated'.

    Generate status icons on Page view 

    Generate process result

    The Generate column identifies the success or failure of the last generate process. This means that if you make a change that requires regeneration, the icon in this column does not change. This icon would only be affected by a generate process.
    The icons used in this column are standard for other process snap-in columns.
    Note: The column name is taken from the process template group name. For example, if you use a generate process template in the Dave group of process templates, the column identifying the versioned page generation status is named Dave.

    Recommended visible columns in the Pages view

    In many jobs, it is important to note the differences in certain file attributes between pages. Thus, we recommend that you make the following columns visible in the Pages pane of the Pages view:

    • Versioned Page Status
    • Page Colors
    • Trim Size
    • Media Size
    • Offset

    Note: In LPV jobs, in the Pages pane of the Page view, the Group by Input File button is no longer available. The Group by Assignment button continues to be available.

    Versioned Pages view

    In the Versioned Pages view, the icons indicate both generation requirement and the generate process result. The icons appear as in the following figure.

    Generate status icons on Versioned Pages view

    • No labels