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- Select what you want to export by doing one of the following actions:
Export a job from Job Finder | - Select the job.
- From the File menu, select Export Job.
Export a job from Job Manager | From the File menu, select Export Job. |
Export signatures | - In the Signatures view of Job Manager, select one or more signatures.
- From the File menu, select Export Job (Incremental).
- In the Choose Process Template dialog box, choose an export process template, and click OK.
- In the Start Process dialog box, click Edit Process Template.
- In the process template, click
next to the Export section, set the Export options, and click OK. - If you want to change the name, type the new name in the Zip Filename box, ensuring it ends in the
extension. - Set any other options in the Start Process dialog box, and click OK.
- Click OK.
A zip file is created and stored in your job home folder.
Note: Under certain conditions impositions of imported jobs may not be able to be edited. Please review the Known Limitations section of the Release Notes. See Re-editing imposition of imported job may not work in certain cases in Known Limitations.