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    An ink report is a text file that describes the amount of ink coverage on a plate, allowing you to better estimate ink consumption for a job.
    The ink report analyzes the CIP3 PPF file generated by PrintLink digital ink-profiling software to calculate the number of pixels turned on for one or more separations, and creates a report of the area of ink coverage (in square inches and centimeters) and the percentage of the plate covered.

    You can automate the running of the ink report by using a final output process template that outputs the CIP3 PPF file to a hot folder. The ink report monitors this hot folder and outputs a text-based report. This feature can be used once the pages have been assigned to an imposition.

    You must set up the ink report feature on the primary server before you can use the feature. After the initial setup, you can create a final output process template, and use that process template whenever you want to create an ink report for your job.

    Dealing with RIP error files

    Occasionally an error may occur when PostScript or PDF files are submitted to the RIP. When an error occurs, PPF files are not generated. You must resubmit the PDF or PostScript file to the RIP to generate PPF files.

    PPF file naming conventions for Prinergy

    Prinergy creates a name for each PPF file generated. The names are composed of the following elements:

    • The first nine characters of the job name
    • The Virtual Proofing System naming convention: signature/ separation/surface/color convention
    • The imposition name
    • The PPF file name extension

    For example, PPF file names might be:

    • testjob.1A.Y.StoryworksLayering.ppf
    • testjob.2A.C.StoryworksLayering.ppf
    • testjob.2A.K.StoryworksLayering.ppf
    • testjob.2A.M.StoryworksLayering.ppf
    • longtestj.2A.Y.StoryworksLayering.ppf
    • No labels