Reader spread splitting automates the process of splitting 2-up reader spreads into discrete pages. The pages can then be assigned to page set positions and the imposition.
Prinergy can split reader spreads only during the first refine. During this process Prinergy:

  • Duplicates each 2-up reader spread file
  • In each 2-up reader spread file, changes the geometry to cut the trim box exactly in half
  • Depending on whether it is a right or left page, adjusts the bleed box and media box to capture bleed from the adjoining page

Choosing the reader spread layout

Reader spread splitting appears in the Normalize section of the refine process template. In the process template, you select how the pages are arranged in the file so that Prinergy knows how many pages to expect, and which half of the reader spread to interpret as which page. The option you select in the process template depends on the number of pages in the file.

If you are splitting a multipage reader spread:

  1. Determine if the document is right-bound or left-bound.
  2. Determine whether the first and last page ("N") are together on the same spread, or apart.
  3. Select the applicable check box according to the following table.


Binding Style

First and Last Pages

Select Check Box

Left Bound




Right Bound





If you are splitting a single-page reader spread (each input file is one pair of pages, or one reader spread):


  1. Determine how the first and second page ("N") are laid out.
  2. Select the applicable check box according to the following table.

Note: When splitting a single-page file use only the first two icons to determine how the two pages are arranged. Ignore the Left Bound and Right Bound labels and the additional page icons.

Page One

Select Check Box

On the left

On the right


Feature limitations

Prinergy cannot be configured to automatically compensate for inaccurate geometry in the input file (specifically the trim box setting). If the trim box geometry is incorrect in the input file, you must manually adjust for this. You can do this either before or after the reader spread splitting process.

To adjust for incorrect geometry before the pages are split, do one of the following:

  • Use the Geometry Editor plug-in for Acrobat and adjust the trim settings on the input files. For more information, see the Geometry Editor guide.
  • Pre-process the pages to set the geometry (using APA or the Set Page Geometry feature in Prinergy Workshop) and output to Vector PDF with Apply Geometry enabled. Bring the resulting PDF into the final job and use the reader spread splitting feature to split the pages.

To adjust for incorrect geometry after the pages are split, do one of the following:

  • Use the Geometry Editor plug-in for Acrobat and adjust the trim settings on the split files. Re-refine the pages. For more information, see the Geometry Editor guide.
  • Use APA to re-set the trim box (in the even and odd pages) to their appropriate values.
  • Assign the pages to the page set positions in Prinergy Workshop. Select the even pages and use the Set Page Geometry feature to adjust the trim settings. Repeat for the odd pages.

For page splitting legacy CEPS (Brisque CT/LW or TIFF/IT) reader spreads which have no accurate TrimBox: In Spread Splitting area of the process template, set the Centerfold Bleed to 1/2" (or the distance that you measure from the intended trim to the edge of the file's MediaBox). Although the resulting pages still have inaccurate TrimBoxes, they can be centered in the imposition to give proper imposed output.

  • You cannot split a reader spread on a second refine. Although the options appear in the process template during a second refine, the split does not occur.
  • Since the APA geometry settings are processed after the reader spread splitting, you currently cannot use APA to set geometry on the pre-split pages. You can, however, use APA to set geometry on the pages after they have been split.
  • No labels