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    Use the bypass refine process template to register your press-ready PDF files into the Prinergy system and to avoid refining the files. Bypassing refine ensures that the content does not change, and saves processing time and resources.

    CAUTION: Because no preflighting or corrections are performed, proof all output to ensure separations and content output as expected.

    Thumbnail section

    The Thumbnail section of a bypass refine process template defines whether or not Prinergy generates thumbnails during the bypass refine process.


    Select the JTP (job ticket processor) to use for thumbnail generation.
    Note: You set up JTPs using Prinergy Administrator.


    Type the desired resolution for the thumbnail.

    Impose section

    The Impose section of a bypass refine process template defines how Prinergy automatically handles the imposition after the bypass refine process. You can enable only one of the following four options in a bypass refine process template.

    Treat Input Files as Flats

    Enables automatic page set and imposition plan creation.
    When you enable this feature, Prinergy assumes the input file is a flat. It automatically creates a page set and an imposition plan and populates both with the contents of the PDF file.
    Note: The imposition plan that Prinergy creates does not contain margins or marks.

    Create Page Set and Assign Pages

    Enables automatic page set creation and page assignments for input files that have the same number of pages as the page set.
    When you enable this feature, Workshop automatically creates a page set and assigns pages to the page set based on the page order in the input file.

    Automated Page Assignment - Retain Assignments, Using Job Settings

    Enables the Automated Page Assignment (APA) feature.
    When you enable this feature, Prinergy automatically assigns PDF pages to page set positions according to the instructions in an APA file (Job.apa), which is stored in the <job folder>\Control folder. However when you resubmit a page, for example, a corrected page, the system does not automatically assign it to a page position.
    Note: If there is more than one APA file in the <job folder>\Control folder, for example, Job.apa and Job.v1.apa, the system uses the file with the latest date and time. It doesn't automatically use the file with the latest version number.

    Automated Page Assignment - Overwrite Assignments, Using Job Settings

    Enables the Automated Page Assignment (APA) feature.
    When you enable this feature, Prinergy automatically assigns PDF pages to page set positions according to the instructions in an APA file (Job.apa) which is stored in the <job folder>\Control folder. When you resubmit a page, for example, a corrected page, the system automatically assigns the corrected page to a page position, overwriting the existing page in the page set.
    Note: If there is more than one APA file in the <job folder>\Control folder, for example, Job.apa and Job.v1.apa, the system uses the file with the latest date and time. It doesn't automatically use the file with the highest version number.

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