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MatchprintVirtual-SmartReview is a Websocket server running in the background as an agent application on the Mac. When Matchprint Virtual is installed, this component is automatically installed. It enables Matchprint Virtual to communicate with Smart Review in InSite Creative Workflow for color accuracy.
- The Websocket server runs automatically when you log in to Mac OS.
The icon for the MV agent application appears at the right-top corner on the status bar of the operating system.
You can run or stop the Websocket server, but we strongly recommend not to stop the server unless you are advised to do so by your Kodak service representative.
- To quit MatchprintVirtual-SmartReview, click Open Application.

The application appears in the foreground. - Click the log window that appears.
- Select MatchprintVirtual-SmartReview and click Quit MV_Review.
While it is not recommended to switch users on Mac, you need to add the MatchprintVirtual-SmartReview application as an item that opens automatically when you log on for additional users:
Note: These steps are only required for additional users that share the Mac. The Websocket application will already be configured to open at logon for the user that installs Matchprint Virtual.
Select Apple > System Preferences.
Click Users & Groups.
Click the account whose settings you want to change.
Click Login Items.
Click +.
Browse to Applications\Matchprint Virtual\MVP Shell App\Tools\MatchprintVirtual-SmartReview
and click Add.
Click the lock icon to prevent additional changes to the settings.
Close the Users & Groups window.