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If a representative asks you to send the Pressproof log files, follow the steps below to collect files and send them by email.
Note: The [username]/Library folder is normally hidden. To make the Library folder visible, on the Finder menu click Go and then hold down the Option key. Library will appear in the drop-down menu. To open the Library folder, click Library.
PressProof logs:
- Go to [hard drive] > Users > [username] > Library > Logs > Kodak > Kodak PressProof, and collect the Kodak Pressproof.log
PressProof crash logs (if requested):
- Go to [hard drive] > Users > [username] > Library > Logs > DiagnosticsReports
- Collect all PressProof crash log files named Kodak PressProof_yyyy-mm-dd-tttttt_.crash
Matchprint Virtual logs (if requested):
Gather all of the collected log files in a folder and name it PressProof Logs. To generate a ZIP file, right-click the folder and select Compress PressProof Logs. Send the ZIP file to your Kodak representative.