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You can group projects and libraries for a specific customer. Project and library groups add an extra organizational level to your files, between the customer level and the project and library levels.
You might create a group for one of your clients, and then place all of the projects for that client inside the group.
Important: When you delete a project group or library group, all projects or libraries in that group are deleted.
- Perform the following actions:
To perform this action | Do this |
Enable project and library groups | a. Select a customer. b. In the lower pane, click the customer name. c. In the Edit Customer Information dialog box that appears, select the Enable project/library groups for customer check box. d. Click Update. |
Create a project group or a library group | a. Select the customer, and select Group > Create Group. b. Type the group name, and click Create. |
Move a project into a group | a. Under Project, select a project. b. From the Project menu, select Move Project. c. In the Move Project dialog box that appears, locate the group, and click Move. |
Move a library into a group | a. Under Library, select a library. b. From the Library menu, select Move Library. c. Locate the group, and click Move. |
Delete a project group or a library group | a. Select the project group or library group, and select Group > Delete Group. b. Click Delete. |
Rename a project group or a library group | a. Select the project group or library group, and select Group > Rename Group. b. Type the new name, and click Rename. |