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Requirements: You must have the Admin Tasks user right and the Enable 'Manage Tasks' view option must be selected for the customer.
The Manage Tasks view is available for users to view all tasks for a customer(s). The view enables you to filter tasks by various task properties, such as name, status, and user or owner. You can perform several task actions directly from this view.
- On the toolbar, click Manage Tasks.
A list of all task that the user is allowed to view appears.
Each row displays information about the task (for example, the task status, the due date, and the name of the task project) and includes links to the task and the project.
You can utilize the following filtering items to search and list certain tasks:
-Project name
-Task name
-Task User
-User Defined Attributes - In the task list, select one of the tasks.
Additional information about the specific task is displayed in the lower pane. - For the tasks for element review or approval, double-click the thumbnail next to the task name to open the elements in Smart Review.
- From the Task menu, you can select the required actions (Those actions are the subset of the Task menu in the Project,Library view).
- From the Report menu, you can generate one of the following report:
- Summary Report —a
file version of the task list that you see on the Manage Tasks view. - Full Task Report—contains the task, element, and user details of the tasks.
- Proof Report
- Approved Annotation Report