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You can set the status of tasks in Smart Review. You can also view a list of all the elements associated with a task and the task status.
Note: You can also set the status of tasks in the Tasks view.
When you set the status for an element in Smart Review, the element's status is automatically updated in the Elements and Tasks views. If you set the status for an element in a task that is associated with multiple elements, the Tasks view displays your status for the task as in progress.
After you set the status for an element, you cannot change it or revert to a previous status, unless you have task administration rights or a new revision of the element is uploaded. If you set an element's task status to Approved with Changes, when a new revision is uploaded, your task status will not be reset. Your new status in Smart Review will automatically be changed to Approved with changes (previous revision), and you cannot reset your task status for the new revision. If the Retain Approval State for New Revisions is enabled for the customer, if you set an element's status to Approved, the status is retained even after a new revision of the element is uploaded.