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Copy one annotation into an element
- Double-click the element, where the required annotation appears.
- Right-click the annotation that you want to copy and from the menu that appears, select Copy.
- Locate and double-click the element to which you want to copy the annotation.
Right-click a specific location on the element, where you want to add the annotation. From the menu that appears, select Paste Here.
The required annotation appears in the specific location, on the specified element.
Copy multiple annotations into an element
- Double-click the element, where the required annotations appear.
- In the Annotations panel, select multiple annotations by pressing the CTRL key.
- In the Annotations panel, right-click the selected annotations and from the menu that appears, select Copy.
- Locate and double-click the element to which you want to copy the annotation.
- Right-click a specific location on the element, where you want to add the annotation. From the menu that appears, select Paste Here.
The required annotations appear on the specified element.
Copy one annotation into multiple elements
- Double-click the element, where the required annotation appears.
- Right-click the annotation that you want to copy and from the menu that appears, select Copy.
- Locate and double-click the element to which you want to copy the annotation.
- Right-click anywhere on this element and from the menu that appears, select Paste to All.
- In the Paste to Files list that appears, select the check box next to all the elements to which you want to copy your annotation.
The required annotation appears on all the specified elements.
Copy multiple annotations into multiple elements
- Double-click the element, where the required annotations appear.
- In the Annotations panel, select multiple annotations by pressing the CTRL key.
- In the Annotations panel, right-click the selected annotations and from the menu that appears, select Copy.
- Locate and double-click the element to which you want to copy the annotation.
- Right-click anywhere on this element and from the menu that appears, select Paste to All.
- In the Paste to Files list that appears, select the check box next to all the elements to which you want to copy your annotation.
All the required annotations appear on all the specified elements.