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You can view a full-screen preview of a file in Smart Review. When you view a full-screen preview of a color-managed file, the Smart Review toolbars and dialog boxes are hidden so that you can focus on color-accurate viewing.
Note: You cannot view a full-screen preview of a file while you are in a collaboration session.
- On the top bar, click the Full Screen
If you are viewing the file on an uncalibrated monitor, the image and the white paper background are dimmed and are not color-accurate. - If the Smart Review tools are available, you can use the Move tool
The Smart Review tools are available only when you have set one of the following user preferences (On the top-right area of Smart Review, click the Preferences
button, in the Full Screen area, select Show Annotations to view user annotations in Full Screen mode. - When you finish viewing and annotating the file, press Esc.