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You can modify the attributes of a project, a library, an element, a folder, and a task. You cannot modify the task element attribute, System attribute and XMP attribute metadata of an element.
When modifying element attributes and when an element has multiple revisions, you can modify the attribute values for the latest revision only.
To modify User Defined attributes, perform one of the following actions:
| Do this |
Modify project attributes | Select a project and select Project > View Project Attributes or click Edit in the inspector view. |
Modify library attributes | Select a library and select Library > View Library Attributes or click Edit in the inspector view. |
Modify element attributes | Select an element and select Element > View Element Attributes or click Edit in the inspector view. |
Modify folder attributes | Select a folder and select Folder > View Folder Attributes or click Edit in the inspector view. |
Modify task attributes | Select a task and select Task > View Task Attributes or click Edit in the inspector view. |
A list of attributes appears.
If you select multiple elements to modify element attributes, attribute values appear as different wherever the values vary among elements.
- Click Update.