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An attribute is information associated with an element that provides details about the element, such as its file size, type, who created the file, when it was last modified, and so on. An attribute can also be associated with a project, a library, a folder, a task, and a task element. An attribute value can be defined for a project and a library to determine the default value of the attribute for an element, a folder, a task, and a task element within the project and the library.
You can view attributes to learn more about the element, folder, task, and task element, and you can search for an element and a folder based on its attributes.
- User Defined Attributes are what you can define per customer and are available for projects, libraries, elements, and folders in both projects and libraries. They are also available for tasks and task elements in projects.
- System attributes are available for elements in both projects and libraries. These attributes depend on the element's file type and can include the file creation date, resolution, and color spaces used.
You may want to type a value for an attribute to record information about an element for later reuse or to make the element easier to search for. For example, if you set the value of an element's Artist attribute to John Smith, other users can later search the project and library for any elements created by John Smith.
You can change the values of User Defined attributes for an element, but you cannot change the values of system attributes.
When you set the values of User Defined attributes for a project and a library, they become the default values of those User Defined attributes for the project and the library. The User Defined attribute values set for the project and the library inherit to elements, folders, tasks, and task elements added under the project and library.
You can change the values of attributes for an element, a folder, and a task, but you cannot change the values of a task element's attributes.