For double-sided media, always print the front side of the media first.
- Lay a piece of paper flat on a table. Notice how the edges curl. The side of the paper with the upward curl is the front of the paper. Consider this side A for all imposition proofs.
The following is an example of curl on the front side of landscape paper. Feed landscape (42 × 32 in.) paper into the printer in the following orientation.
The following is an example of curl on the front side of portrait paper. Feed portrait (32 × 42 in.) paper into the printer in the following orientation.
2. Label the top and bottom of the box of media, so that everyone who is loading the media knows which side to print first.
3. Lay the box of paper flat during storage or normal usage.
3. When you flip the sheet to print the back side, always turn the paper sheetwise (right-to-left) to minimize alignment errors.