You can use the Box Die feature to create multi-up box dies for label work. 
Note: The logging level must be set to Debug when you enable this feature.

To enable and use the Box Die feature:

  1. From the Edit menu, select Preferences.
  2. Select the Options tab.
  3. Select the Show Box Dies option.
  4. Click OK.
  5. From the File menu, select Quit.
  6. Select File > New.
  7. Select File > Get Box Dies, navigate to a preconfigured text file that contains the various box sizes to create a multi-up die file, and select Open.
    Note: You can create a text file using a standard text editor. Use any name for the text file for identification. The content needs to contain the number of the box (first column) and its dimensions (second and third columns), separated with tabs. An example is shown below. 
    BD_250x50 250.00 50.00
    BD_300x75 300.00 75.00
    BD_200x50 200.00 50.00 
    BD_400x50 400.00 50.00 
  8. Click the Box Die tab.
  9. Select any box die from the left-hand panel, then drag and drop it onto the sheet.
  10. If needed, perform these actions:
    • Use the options in the Die tab to adjust the box dies.
    • Add additional box dies to the sheet.
  11. Select File > Save As.
  • No labels