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A solid cutback curve is a curve that reduces a Tint In value of 100% to a Tint Out value less than 100%. 

Two purposes of a solid cutback curve are:

  • For gravure printing, limit the maximum halftone tint value to ~60% so that a stable wall is maintained around the ink well of a 100% input tint
  • For ink jet printing, reduce the maximum ink delivered for each ink channel, to reduce ink load, paper cocking and gamut distortion as input tints approach 100%

You create a solid cutback curve as a print transfer curve, and apply that solid cutback curve when you characterize a device condition response. The device curve, and any print calibration for the device condition, will have the same solid cutback value.

  1. Create a print transfer curve with Curve Origin: Tint In/Out Points (default selection)
  2. For each curve channel:
    1. Select the curve channel in the Curve Definition Channel Selector
    2. In the tint table, double-click the Tint Out value corresponding to Tint In = 100.
    3. Enter the maximum desired Tint Out value. Each channel may have a different value.
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